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Leaving the old office for a new start!

Leaving the old office for a new start!

Yes, we did it today. 4th June 2010 was the move from Wellington St to Terrace Rd East Perth. My Feng Shui master, Kieran Ohara advised me that I am to start operations at the new office on 5th June 2010 which is an auspicious day. So, the whole office staff was mobilised to shift everything within a day and to get ready for business tomorrow. It was sad to see the Wellington St office being emptied. It has served Tan and Tan Lawyers well. We have more than doubled the staff during the 7 years we were there. Systems have been improved, staff morale is high and we have a great working team.

We have had lots of staff lunches in the board room. This is a picture of the last board room lunch on 3 June 2010.

Here’s a picture of my wife (“Annie”) and I outside the Wellington St office after everything was moved out.

Annie was managing the real estate and settlement business at the rented office next to Tan and Tan Lawyers at Wellington St. It just became too small for the operations. Hence the decision to move to Terrace Rd. It has been a long and torturous road before our final move today.

Negotiations for the purchase of the Terrace Rd office began in Sept 2009. The renovations started in April 2010 and is actually not fully complete yet. A good friend of mine Irwan Lee from Interarch homes did the design and fit out.

The reception desk and some wall panelling has yet to be completed. My conference table which was being repolished got scratched while being delivered yesterday. It will only be returned next week.

Such are the joys and frustration of change. Despite all the hurdles, this is a change for the better and I hope to be able to further improve on the level of legal services provided to our clients. The high tech toilet should be fitted out tomorrow and will be a real treat to use. Here are pictures of the staff and removalist enjoying a lunch break at the park infront of the office today.

Tomorrow is day one at the Terrace Rd office.
See you there.